Use case: Deliver Personalized Customer Experiences

Customers are placing increasing pressure on manufacturers, B2B product companies, and wholesalers to provide B2C-level digital experiences. They’ve become used to quick and efficient processes that leverage all their data for a smooth customer journey. In their daily lives, they have learned to love interacting with companies through portals, apps, chat, mobile and other channels. Interactions happen in the context of their own data – from logging a return request against a recent order to reordering the purchase of two months ago with a single click..  On the flipside, old-fashioned non-digital experiences diminish customer loyalty. As your competitors start to provide personalised experiences, customers are gradually taking their business elsewhere. 

You may recognize any of these situations in your current way of working:

  • Asking your customer for their information during interactions, which puts you one-down in making them feel valued and decreases the efficiency of your team.
  • Providing generic pricing in a stand-alone webshop because you are unable to use the customer-specific pricing you agreed on, resulting in order errors and calls to customer service.
  • Relying on expensive sales reps to sell to smaller customers  due to an inability to segment your customers accurately. The lack of data and technology to differentiate how you service your customer segments is holding you back and inhibiting scalability.
  • Missing out on marketing, cross- & upsell opportunities because these tasks  are mostly handled manually by Sales reps, resulting in inconsistent and impersonal interactions with your customers.

Time to elevate your customer and team experience 

To combat these issues, manufacturers, B2B product companies and wholesalers adopt customer platforms that bring customer data together and provide automation and personalization at any point in the customer journey. This goes far beyond putting a first- and last name in an email and calling it personalization. This approach works across acquisition, cross- & upsell and retention scenarios. You’ll be able to recognize your customer through any channel (on & offline), tailor and automate customer interactions and survey your customers leveraging the data you have available. 

Specific examples include:

  • Omnichannel customer identification
  • Consistent and automated customer onboarding
  • Automated customer webshop activation
  • Ongoing and consistent lead nurturing
  • Online retargeting

The Result

  • Your Customer gets a consistent and personal digital experience tailored to their needs;
  • Your team is empowered to focus on the high value customer interactions and less on administrative tasks;
  • You start to build up valuable data that provides great insights and the input to continuously improve;
personalized b2b customer experience

The steps to take

We take four main steps to provide your customer and employees with personalised digital experiences using a modern easy to use solution:

Step 1: Design the customer and employee journey 
Great customer and employee experiences start with a well thought out plan. We map the customer journey and identify areas of improvement for your customers and team.

Step 2: Prioritise, strategise and roadmap
With many improvements to consider, where do you start? We prioritise the improvement areas together, design a solution and build a roadmap that you can execute on.

Step 3: Design and implement
We design solutions to the roadmap, build the system, bring data together to complete your customer view and start empowering your team to provide consistent personalised experiences.

Step 4: Test the system, train your users and bring it live!
Together, we test the system and see if it provides the experience we aimed for. Once we confirm it does, we train your team and bring the solution live.

The outcome

Our solution provides your customers with personalised digital experiences and empowers your team to elevate marketing, sales and customer service. The user-friendly platform is designed to rival the B2C platforms we have all grown to love. As people use the system, you build up customer data, create insights and improve your customer interactions across all your channels and teams.

Discover what we can do for B2B companies.